Terms of Service

With the aim of adapting to the new European legislation on the protection of personal data (GDPR) introduced on 25 May 2018, we have updated our Cookie Policy, our Privacy Policy and our Terms of service. To communicate how much we believe in the positivity of these changes and to clarify how we collect, store and manage your personal data, we want to underline that you can contact us at any time, at the email address indicated in the previously mentioned documents.

Titolare del Sito Internet

Via Scaglia Est 33, 41126 Modena (MO) Italy
Email: info@alfabuseuropasrl.com

1. Terms of use of the Site

These terms of service are intended to guarantee the best use of the site, respecting everyone’s rights, including privacy and intellectual property.

The website www.alfabuseuropasrl.com (the “Site”) has the purpose of: promoting the brand, products and services of alfabuseuropasrl.
The Site may be subject to changes and updates.
Use of the Site implies acceptance by the user of these conditions of use and their commitment to comply with them.
Integral parts of this document are our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.
Users are informed that these conditions may be modified at any time.

2. Intellectual Property

The contents of the Site, including, without limitation, any logo, trademark or photograph on the Site are protected under intellectual property rights, or any other applicable legal provisions. The intellectual property rights of third parties are respected, as are all legal provisions to protect the interests of third parties. However, if you think that the Site may violate any of your rights, we invite you to write to us directly at the contacts above to proceed with the removal of the content in question after receiving written notification from the duly verified copyright holder.

3. Links to other sites

The Site contains links to other websites. The owner of the website has no control over them, nor can he monitor or verify their content. It is therefore up to the user to become aware of the commitments of each blog / social network / website / other page that he visits. In particular, we have no control over the practices of third-party sites for the collection, processing of personal data and privacy. It is therefore up to the user to become aware of the commitments of the Owner of the Website on privacy, but also of the commitments of any blog or social network or site associated with the site that contains such a link, and to use only the sites whose content they accept and the rules of use.
The Owner of the Internet Site declines all responsibility for any link to another website and which refers to the Site. The Site may be associated with such links and its content not specifically authorized by the Owner of the Internet Site.

4. Responsibility

The Owner of the Website regularly updates its contents and the devices in place on the site to allow access and use of the Site in the best conditions for the user. However, the Owner of the Website cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the contents on the Web.
The user in this context is fully aware of the fact that the contents present on the Website are for indicative purposes.
Furthermore, the Owner of the Website reserves the right to make changes to the site at any time it deems appropriate, and cannot therefore guarantee the user access to the entire Site at any time, without interruption in good time, safely and without errors.
Please note that changes may be made to the nature or scope of the services available.
It is specified that the Owner of the Website cannot be held responsible for damages to a user caused by the actions of third parties who, through unfair techniques, have used the information published on the site.
The Owner of the Website cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by the user given the characteristics of the network and/or technical configurations.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the law, these conditions are subject to Italian law and all disputes concerning their application and interpretation will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Modena.

5. Limitation of Liability

Without prejudice to the mandatory provisions of the law, the Owner of the Internet Site will not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from the use of the material referred to in article 1 as well as deriving from any interruption in the execution of the program, error, omission, interruption, defect , delay in transmission operation, virus or line failure.
The Owner of the Website will also not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from the use or inability to use the material included on the Site or resulting from the conduct of other users who violate these conditions.
The user who intends to exercise a right, a claim or an action against any other user regarding the use of the services offered by the Site undertakes to avoid any involvement of the Owner of the Internet Site and of the subjects appointed by the same for the management of the Site.
The material on this Site could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
The Website Owner may make changes and improvements at any time.
The material on this site is made available “as is” and without any guarantee, express or implied, in accordance with applicable law and within the limits permitted by it, the Owner of the Internet Site does not provide any guarantees, including those of merchantability and suitability for any use.
The Owner of the Website does not guarantee that the functions contained in the material will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that such defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free from viruses or harmful components. The Website Owner makes no representations or warranties regarding the use or the results of the use of the material on this site, regarding their correctness, accuracy or reliability. the costs of repair, revision or correction will be borne entirely by the user and not by the Website Owner. Where national laws applicable to this agreement, other than the applicable law set forth below, prohibit the disclaimer of warranties, the foregoing disclaimer shall not apply.

6. Limitations on use of the material

The material from this Site and from any other site on the World Wide Web owned, operated, licensed or controlled by the Site Owner may not be copied, distributed, modified, republished, reproduced, downloaded or transmitted by any means, without previous written consent.

7. Proposals

All observations, suggestions, ideas, graphic materials or other information communicated to the Website Owner (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Information”) will become the property of the same. The user hereby renounces any compensation and/or remuneration, not only economic but of any kind. The Information will not be subject to any obligation of confidentiality. The Website Owner will be free to use the Information as it sees fit without this resulting in any obligation or liability to the Website Owner.
The sender acknowledges that he is responsible for any material sent; the sender, and not the Website Owner, has total responsibility for the message, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and compliance with property rights.
Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the user expressly declares to accept the agreements referred to in articles 4. “Liability (competent court)”; 5. “Limitations of Liability”.